
For simplification of input of payment requisites when making payments in the shops connected to WayForPay service there is used Payment in one click on the basis of tokens.

With a first purchase the client inputs payment details and for further payments he will simply need to click the button “pay”.


Token  is a unique number which is to be assigned to the set of parameters of the card in wayforpay system (Tokenization).

This token can be used for non-acceptance payment without input of CVV and without 3-D Secure authentication.


Token creation  is the process of successful payment/blocking of assets on client's card with obtaining of complete requisites of client (card number, validity term, cvv, card holder).

It is possible to obtain token after performance of one of the actions:

1) Accept payment (Purchase) – successful payment by the client with input of complete requisites of the card. As a result the card will be assigned with token  recTocken  and it will be transferred in response.

2) Verify – successful verification of the card, blocking of assets on the client’s card. As a result the card will be assigned with token  recTocken  and it will be transferred in response.


Withdrawal by token – performance of operation of withdrawal/blocking of the assets on card without participation of the client through the transfer of Token from the merchant.

For withdrawal by token there is used a Charge host2host  method with the transfer of recToken parameter.