Regular payments

Regular payments – automatic funds writing off from the client card according to the schedule, defined by the client or company.

With the help of the recurring payments service, it is easy to pay for utilities services, top-up mobile communication, internet and hosting services, as well as to credit various accounts.

Payment is made automatically, according to the specified payment schedule.




Options of recurring payments from the card implementation:

  •  Client selects frequency of payments on payment page.
  •  Implementation on the merchant side upon the first client payment.
  •  Recurring payments implementation according to the event (for example, when the funds at the client account become exhausted)
  •  Recurring payments implementation according the sent indebtedness – automatic writing off in case of zero balance.


Before writing off the client receives the notification about forthcoming funds writing off. In case of funds insufficiency, the system will repeat writing off next day with the client notification about the card crediting necessity.